Saturday, July 5, 2008

Global Warming Nazi's

Did you know Hitler was a huge enviromentalist and big believer in darwinism as well as a self proclaimed vegetarian. Wanting to destroy any debate critiquing his beliefs as he knew as facts. Even though many of his theories were incomplete and still are. Hitler was a big believer in humans destoying the planet and that he wanted to change the world by destroying anyone or religion that got in his way. Because religion made it clear that the world was in the hands of the lord and that man can not change what god has plans for. Our planet is indescribable with such beauty and power that no matter what we do we can't destroy it because it's too powerful. Hitler was a big believer in the pagan religion which was destroyed as a global player in the world of power because before the Roman Empire was catholic there was a christian crusade to rid the empire of the pagan controlled government pagan's go all the way back to ancient egypt who enslaved the jews. You see pagans worship nature and believe that they or us humans have the power to change the worlds weather and also believe in witchcraft by the way their orgins are christian related even though they have no idea it is cause you see satan laid out an agenda for them as they know it as thier religion but they use the forces of witchcraft by satan and his demons without them having any idea. Pagans have rituals every year and they purposeley have them near everyone of christian holidays to stay close within our religion and manipulate it as much as possible but they can't penatrate the word of the lord. They don't think of themselves as a religion just as someone who hold the light or knowledge of the truth of what truth that they know of but it is false they are following down a dark path with the promise of the light of knowledge but can't find it as they keep going down the dark path trying to find the light they will tend to be lost and confused and frustrated and start being hostile to what is the real light of truth which is in the bible. Now back to Hitler now he believes in exactly what Al Gore believes in which is Man Made Enviroment and how he feels he needs to force the world to change their ways and in doing so will starve the world and leave the path wide open for the anti-christ to do his business thats right everything is aligned Iraq is the distraction and global wariming as well is a distraction but Iraq will be a prosperous nation highley developed monies will be poured into the nation and by the way Iraq is the home of ancient babylon. Muslims are what the bible calls the "false prophet" or what they like to call thier own god "prophet mohamad" and they believe mohamad will come in power to save them as they make the altimate jihad the Iranian president is building a pathway from the well where the 12 emaum is supose to come out of directley lined up to babylon where he believes is where the 12th emaum is suppose to reign power. Now according to the bible the anti-christ is suppose to reign power in babylon and the lord will come down to israel. The jews will be able to commense peace for 7 years and the musslims will allow the jews to build there temple cause the ruler of babylon will do what thier lord tells them and christians who knows the truth and denies these allegations of global warming will look like a problem for the rest of the world and will be blamed for their non-corroperations with the rest of the people of the world and global warming will be interlocked with a new religion one where the people of the world will be responsible for thier own actions and the anti-christ will tell them how to live remember the Hitler believed in man made enviroment as well as being a vegitarian and condenmed anyone who got in his way well the anti-christ had him killed probably and the people working behind the scenes that had hitler killed are the same people who believed exactly the same stuff as hitler but would take what we know as evil against the people they want to shut up like conservatives and religous people to call them nazi's and facist when in fact the elitist people of this world are the easist to fool and the ones who want to control the people who feel the know what is best for the rest of humanity and most of those people don't believe in god and say they do but truley don't and spread this propaganda throughout the rest of humanity it's a vicous cyle which is spining out of control to where the majority who are very silent since they are represented by no one cause they are hard working americans and never get polled and care to be polled are not represented by no one every bit of the education system media industry and all government is following the orders of the elite wheather you like or not it's going to be a brave new world and we are not prepared unfortunetley I hope you found Jesus in your life and if not please try to he loves you and will come to you as soon as you call for him to be in your life thankyou to whoever reads this

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